If I have a human body 3d model, that I want to animate walking, what is the best way to achieve this? Here are the possible ways I see this being implemented:
Technique that you described in the first option is called morph target animation and often used for some detailes of animation like facial animation or maybe opening and closing of hands.
Second option is procedural or physical animation which works something like robotics where you give the body of your character some velocity to move forward and calculate what legs need to do for it to avoid falling. But you wouldn't do it directly on vertices, but on skeleton. See next one.
Third option is skeletal animation which animates skeleton and the vertices follow it by the set of rules. Attaching vertices to skeleton is called skinning.
I suggest that, after getting hang of opengl stuff (viewing and positioning models in space, camera, etc), you start with skeletal animation.
You will need a rigged and animated model for your 3d app of choice. Then you can write an exporter to your custom format or choose a format that you want to read from your app. That file format should contain description of the model, skeleton, skinning and key frames. Than you read and use that data from your code to build the mesh, skeleton and animate over key frames.