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iMessage App Expanded View Programmatically

I have the code below to handle the resizing when the user taps on the arrow in my iMessage app to transition to the expanded view, but how can I open the expanded view programmatically when the user segues to a new view controller in my iMessage app?

override func didTransition(to presentationStyle: MSMessagesAppPresentationStyle) {
    // Called after the extension transitions to a new presentation style.

    if presentationStyle == MSMessagesAppPresentationStyle.compact {
        //Resize Views


  • Assuming that you are calling this in MessagesViewController, you can programatically open the expanded view in the following way:

    Swift version:

    if self.presentationStyle == MSMessagesAppPresentationStyle.compact {

    Obj-C version:

    if (self.presentationStyle == MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleCompact) {
        [self requestPresentationStyle:MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleExpanded];