I am using .Net's SpeechSynthesizer to generate WAV stream from a string. I then need to convert that stream from WaveStream to Opus.
I am using the following libraries:
I am synthesizing the speech using this function:
public static Stream Speak(string text)
SpeechSynthesizer s = new SpeechSynthesizer();
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
return stream;
And in order to make the conversion I am using the following function:
public static Stream SpeakOgg(string text)
MemoryStream orgstream = Speak(text) as MemoryStream;
orgstream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
WaveFileReader reader = new WaveFileReader(orgstream);
WaveFormat newFormat = new WaveFormat(16000, reader.WaveFormat.Channels);
WaveFormatConversionStream newStream = new WaveFormatConversionStream(newFormat, reader);
WaveStream conv = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(newStream);
byte[] bytes = new byte[conv.Length];
conv.Position = 0;
conv.Read(bytes, 0, (int)conv.Length);
OpusEncoder encoder = OpusEncoder.Create(newStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate, newStream.WaveFormat.Channels, Opus.Application.Voip);
int encodedLength = 0;
byte[] encoded = encoder.Encode(bytes, (int)conv.Length, out encodedLength);
MemoryStream finish = new MemoryStream();
finish.Write(encoded, 0, encodedLength);
return finish;
My problem is that the OpusEncoder throws an exception saying:
Encoding failed - BadArg
and it is thrown on the function call to "opus_encode". Can anyone help me track the problem?
Edit 1:
After looking around I found that the exception thrown is actually a define in Opus' API called: "OPUS_BAD_ARG", on which the documentation states:
One or more invalid/out of range arguments.
I still can't find the argument that is wrong...
It's most likely the input length. 1. Remember that the input length is a count of 16-bit samples per channel, where your code just passes the number of bytes. Divide by (2 * numChannels) 2. The input length must be a valid Opus frame size (2.5, 5, 10, 20, 60ms, 20 is the default). So you need to pass a fixed number of samples over and over for the length of your input. In the case of 16khz mono that framesize is 320.