Here is a simple question concerning Clojure and accessing information from a database.
The following code, inside a function of mine is working:
(defn insertNewValue []
(let [newRank
(reduce + 1
(map :max
(db/query (env :database-url) ["select max(rank) from My_Table"])))
But using reduce when there is only one record resulting from the DB query does not seem very appropriate to me. So here is what I tried as a replacement:
(defn insertNewValue []
(let [dbRecord (db/query (env :database-url) ["select max(rank) from My_Table"])
newRank (+ 1 (:max dbRecord))
which seems much cleaner, but it does not work!
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
It seems that dbRecord would return a list (thats why you could map
over it), however, in your second attempt you are treating it as a map directly. Since it is guaranteed that you only have a single record (you are querying for the max value), perhaps you need to do
(inc (:max (first dbRecord)))