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Angularjs Updated table after clicking a link with parameters

I am making an Single Page Application

My config:

var app = angular.module('menuCardMaker', ['ngRoute']);

app.config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
    .when('/wines', {
        templateUrl: 'templates/wine/wine.html',
        controller: 'WineController'
    .when('/wines/delete/:id', {
        templateUrl: 'templates/wine/wine.html',
        controller: 'WineController'


            <td class="head">Name</td>
        <tr ng-repeat="wine in winesFromStorage">
            <td>{{ }}</td>
            <td><a ng-href="#/wines/delete/{{ }}" ng-click="remove()">Delete</a></td>

Page loads on URL (for example) on when the user clicks on delete. It deletes the record in my LocalStorage, but it does not 'refresh' my page like I would expect from my templateUrl in my config.

The user has to reload the page before the table shows the correct data. Any thoughts that could guide me to a solution?


  • Do you want to remove the wine and redirect the user to another page or do you just want to remove the wine?

    .controller('WineController', ['$scope', '$location' function ($scope, location) {
         $scope.wines = ['wine1', 'wine2]; 
         $scope.deleteWine = function(wineIndex){
             // this should update the ng repeat list on your page
             delete $scope.wines[wineIndex];
             // if you still want to redirect the user you could do 
             // it like this:
             // of course this would load another route with another controller. 
             //If you want to share the current wine list between two 
             //controllers, you could create a wineListService where 
             //you store the list. 

    an example how to share data between controllers can be found here: Share data between AngularJS controllers