I am developing a mobile ticketing system, and I'm reviewing my requirements against embedded SymmetricDS. The only sticking point so far is that I can't find any information directly addressing the question of row-level security.
Use Case:
Some of the mobile point-of-sale nodes will be logged in as sellers, some as managers. Everybody can view everybody else's sales. Sellers can create new sales, but never modify them. Managers can modify existing sales, but not delete them.
I don't have strict control over the Android mobile POS units, so they aren't trustworthy -- it's not realistic to prevent a malicious seller from decompiling the APK and creating a malicious client node. My environment has security requirements, such that a malicious seller cannot be allowed to modify the sales table on the server. I can trust that the hypothetical malicious seller does not have access to manager credentials, and I can trust that the server software is secure.
and DataContext#getBatch()
which allows for injection of an engine that can be used to access the database