I add the anntation like this
var annot= Map.createAnnotation({
latitude: XXXXXXXXXXX,
longitude: XXXXXXXXXX,
title: 'myPlace',
image: 'myPin.png',
width:'100dp',// doesn't work
height:'100dp'// doesn't work
I would like to change the size of image though, there seems no way to change.
So I need to edit the file size itself by image editor or something. Moreover images are show differently in Android or iPhone. So I need to make two size for each pins.
latitude : XXXX,
longitude : XXXX,
customView : Ti.UI.createView({
width : widthImg,
height : heightImg * 2,
children : [Ti.UI.createView({
top : 0,
width : width,
height : height,
backgroundImage : "myPin.png"