I want the Chrome CustomTab to always open the url in the Chrome CustomTab. Even if there is an external application that the intent can go to. Right now the user is prompted if they want to open in Chrome or the external application. Is it possible to force the intent to go through Chrome? I know a WebView would work, but the CustomTab has more functionality...
This question is not clear to me. I think you wanted to say that you want always open the url in the Chrome Custom Tab without displaying choosing dialog for Chrome or any external application.
If my understanding is Okay, then in case of Chrome Browser, you should set the CustomTabIntent with the package of Chrome browser before launching the url.
private void launchURL(String url) {
CustomTabsIntent.Builder builderCustomTabs = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
CustomTabsIntent intentCustomTabs = builderCustomTabs.build();
intentCustomTabs.launchUrl(this, Uri.parse(url));
For details, check: custom chrome tabs asks for multiple browser to choose