I would like to use either dxfwrite
or ezdxf
to create text along (WCS
) y direction, and with height in the (WCS
) z direction.
Using autocad, I have done this by setting UCS and entering text.
How can I do in dxfwrite or ezdxf (or any other python friendly library)?
lab = dxf.mtext('hello',np.array([0.,0.,.5]),layer='mylay',height=0.3)
doesn't work, presumably because I have only created UCS
, and am not using it.
Defining an UCS does nothing, dxfwrite/ezdxf are not CAD applications.
This example uses ezdxf to write a text in the YZ-plane:
import ezdxf
dwg = ezdxf.new('ac1015')
modelspace = dwg.modelspace()
modelspace.add_mtext("This is a text in the YZ-plane",
'width': 12, # reference rectangle width
'text_direction': (0, 1, 0), # write in y direction
'extrusion': (1, 0, 0) # normal vector of the text plane
mtext in dxfwrite is just a bunch of TEXT entities, because the MTEXT entity requires DXF13 or later.