I need to pass an audio recording from mic to buffer, and then from buffer to speakers(I send the buffer via network). My configuration: Mic->AudioFrameOutput->Network->AudioFrameInput->Speakers.
I need the recording to be in 16 bits/sample PCM(for the network). The documentation of AudioGraph mentions that it only supports 32 bit float format. How can I convert the 32 bit recording to 16 bit and then play the recording?
Thanks, Tony
How to convert 32 bit float to 16 bit integer is a very common desire in the world of streaming audio ... here we convert an element of your 32 bit float buffer (array) into a lossy (32 bit does not fit into 16 bits) unsigned 16 bit integer ... with input float varying from -1 to +1
my_16_bit_unsigned_int = ((input_32_bit_floats[index] + 1.0) * 32768) - 1;
When playing with audio data at this most direct level you are exposed to many fundamental design decisions :
Knowing these questions and having answers after mulling your data above equation does assume the input 32 bit float representation of the audio wave varies from -1.0 to +1.0 ( typical )
You ask where did that value 32768 come from ? ... well 16 bit integers have 2^16 distinct values which range from 0 to ( 2^16 - 1 ) so if your input float varies from -1 to +1 we first add 1 to make it vary from 0 to +2 which makes our output unsigned ( no negative numbers ), then we multiply values in that range by 32768 then subtract 1 to accommodate a starting lower bound of 0 such that output range of integers varies from 0 to ( 2^16 - 1 ) ... or 0 to 65537 which gives you a total of 2^16 distinct integer values
Lets break it down with concrete examples
example A
inputA = -0.999 # close to minimum possible value
outputA = int((input_32_bit_floats[index] + 1.0) * 32768) - 1;
outputA = int(( -0.999 + 1.0) * 32768) - 1;
outputA = int( 0.001 * 32768) - 1;
outputA = int( 32.768) - 1;
outputA = 33 - 1;
outputA = 32; # close to min possible value of 0
example B
inputB = 0.999 # almost max possible value
outputB = int((input_32_bit_floats[index] + 1.0) * 32768) - 1;
outputB = int((0.999 + 1.0) * 32768) - 1;
outputB = 65503 - 1;
outputB = 65502 # close to our max possible value of 65537
You can speed up the multiplication by 32768 by replacing it by a bit shift left ... how many bit positions you shift is driven by what power of 2 your shift operation is replacing ...
outputA = int((input_32_bit_floats[index] + 1.0) * 32768) - 1;
would become
outputA = ( int(input_32_bit_floats[index] + 1.0) << 15) - 1;