Search code examples

Using shingles and fuzziness in Elasticsearch Python DSL?

How do you call shingles in Python DSL?

This is a simple example that searches for a phrase in the "name" field and another one in the "surname" field.

import json
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Q

def make_dsl_query(fields):
    Construct a query
    es_client = Elasticsearch()
    my_query = Search(using=es_client, index="my_index", doc_type="my_type")

    if fields['name'] and fields['surname']:
        my_query = my_query.query(Q('bool', should=
                   [Q("match", name=fields['name']),
                    Q("match", surname=fields['surname'])]))
    return my_query

if __name__ == '__main__':

    my_query = make_dsl_query(fields={"name": "Ivan The Terrible", "surname": "Conqueror of the World"})
    response = my_query.execute()

    # print response
    for hit in response:
        print(hit.meta.score,, hit.surname)

1) Is it possible to use shingles? And how? I've tried many things and can't find anything in the documentation on it.

This would work in a normal Elasticsearch query, but apparently called in a different way in the Python DSL...

my_query = my_query.query(Q('bool', should=
                   [Q("match", name.shingles=fields['name']),
                    Q("match", surname.shingles=fields['surname'])]))

2) How do I pass fuzziness parameters to my match? Can't seem to find anything on it either. Ideally I would be able to do something like this:

my_query = my_query.query(Q('bool', should=
                   [Q("match", name=fields['name'], fuzziness="AUTO", max_expansions=10),
                    Q("match", surname=fields['surname'])]))


  • To use shingles you need to define them in your mappings, it's too late to try and use them in query time. At query time what you can do is use a match_phrase query.

    my_query = my_query.query(Q('bool', should=
                   [Q("match", name.shingles=fields['name']),
                    Q("match", surname.shingles=fields['surname'])]))

    This should work if written as:

     my_query = my_query.query(Q('bool', should=
                   [Q("match", name__shingles=fields['name']),
                    Q("match", surname__shingles=fields['surname'])]))

    Assuming you have the shingles field defined on both name and surname fields.

    Note that you can also use the | operator:

     my_query = Q("match", name__shingles=fields['name']) | Q("match", surname.shingles=fields['surname'])

    instead of constructing the bool query yourself.

    Hope this helps.