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HDFS disk is full

In our Ambari cluster, HDFS disk usage became 100%. I want to delete tables in HBase to free up disk but hbase (master) does not start.

I tried Hdfs re-balance but it faild. Another time I deleted HDFS files manually but after that HDFS didn't start anymore.

Is there a correct way to free disk space up? Or should I re-install ambari cluster?

HDP version is 2.4.2, HDFS version is 2.7.1 and Hbase is 1.1.2


  • I found a solution, it's not perfect but it's better than re-installing everything!

    Seemingly there is command that removes files from hdfs (hadoop fs), so we should use it to remove hbase data. The command is:

    hadoop fs -rm -r -skipTrash /apps/hbase/*

    where /apps/hbase/ is path of hbase data in hdfs. This command should run as hdfs user.