I have a string that I converted to a TextInfo.ToTitleCase and removed the underscores and joined the string together. Now I need to change the first and only the first character in the string to lower case and for some reason, I can not figure out how to accomplish it.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string functionName = "zebulans_nightmare";
TextInfo txtInfo = new CultureInfo("en-us", false).TextInfo;
functionName = txtInfo.ToTitleCase(functionName).Replace('_', ' ').Replace(" ", String.Empty);
Results: ZebulansNightmare
Desired Results: zebulansNightmare
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string functionName = "zebulans_nightmare";
TextInfo txtInfo = new CultureInfo("en-us", false).TextInfo;
functionName = txtInfo.ToTitleCase(functionName).Replace("_", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
functionName = $"{functionName.First().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}{functionName.Substring(1)}";
Produces the desired output.
Note: My answer is outdated, see this answer below which uses System.Text.Json
which is available out of the box with dotnet core or via nuget for older dotnet framework applications
Original answer:
You just need to lower the first char in the array. See this answer
Char.ToLowerInvariant(name[0]) + name.Substring(1)
As a side note, seeing as you are removing spaces you can replace the underscore with an empty string.
.Replace("_", string.Empty)