I found the same question here, but without a proper answer I am looking for.
I am developing a simple application with CRUD operations. On the edit page, after the component gets mounted (componentDidMount()
), the app dispatches an action to retrieve a specific post details:
dispatch({ type: FETCH_POST, id: 'post-id' })
I am using redux-saga and want the above call to return a Promise so that I can access the API response.
Right now, without a callback/Promise, I ended up with defining a new state in store (like post_edited
) and connect/map it to props in the component for edit page.
What would be the best possible way to deal with this kind of situation?
Could you please provide more information about your issue? I'm not sure if I understand your issue properly, but the common practice is:
function apiCallToFetchPost(id) {
return Promise.resolve({name: 'Test});
function* fetchPostSaga({id}) {
try {
const request = yield call(apiCallToFetchPost, id);
// -> in post reducer we will save the fetched data for showing them later
yield put({type: FETCH_POST_SUCCESS, payload: request});
} catch (error) {
yield put({type: FETCH_POST_SUCCESS_FAILURE, error})
export function* onBootstrap() {
yield takeLatest(FETCH_POST, fetchPostSaga);