I have the following array of hashes and I want to use transform_keys to strip the beginning of each key using a regex:
array_of_hashes = [{"a_0_abc"=>"1",
and I want the following:
transformed_hash_keys = [{"abc"=>"1",
I have the following method but it results in array_of_hashes instead of transformed_hash_keys:
def strip
s = array_of_hashes.each { |hash| hash.transform_keys { |key| key.sub(/^a_(\d+)_/, '') } }
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong in this method?
doesn't operate in place and each
returns the original iterator, not the result of the block.
You could do what you want with map
instead of each
def strip
s = array_of_hashes.map { |hash| hash.transform_keys { |key| key.sub(/^a_(\d+)_/, '') } }
Or, you could use transform_keys!
to modify the contents of array_of_hashes
def strip
s = array_of_hashes.each { |hash| hash.transform_keys! { |key| key.sub(/^a_(\d+)_/, '') } }