I'm trying to create a JPQL for one to many relationship, namely user and device as 1 user can have one to many devices. I want to find the whole object of the device if it is owned by the user and the device name is correct.
If it is a SQL query then I can just do the query only for the device as follow:
select * from DEVICE where USER_ID = 2 and DEVICENAME = "mypc";
where USER_ID is the foreign key in DEVICE table. But how can I do the JPQL query for the user and device table? Here are some info for User and Device class
public class User {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
public int id;
public String username;
public String firstname;
public String lastname;
public String hashPassword;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
public List<Device> devices = new ArrayList<Device>();
public class Device {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
public int id;
public String deviceName;
public User user;
String deviceOS;
String deviceType;
String attributes;
boolean standard;
Example JPA Query:Documention
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT di FROM Device di JOIN di.user u WHERE u.id=:userId and di.deviceName=:deviceName");
query.setParameter("userId",userId );
List<Device> result = query.getResultList();