I am using sift detector (cv2.sift.detectAndCompute(image,None)
)to extract keypoints from an image. It returns the keypoints in form of smart pointers with shared ownership template
`struct cv::Ptr< T >`
How can i extract those keypoints in python to save them in a csv
The descriptors of detected keypoints that you obtain, are in a list, for example:
[[ 42 218 124 ..., 159 69 207]
[243 30 11 ..., 72 48 117]
[ 45 201 236 ..., 223 216 232]
[ 58 5 226 ..., 253 248 130]
[ 44 110 154 ..., 93 124 154]
[ 7 235 19 ..., 122 161 169]]
The descriptor of the first keypoint looks similar to this:
[ 42 218 124 95 46 153 182 234 204 6 124 162 41 24 183 32 206 51 167 67 198 169 103 253 6 79 112 147 87 159 69 207]
In order to export these values to csv
format using python, there are two ways: