I am new Solr, i have deployed a SolrCloud cluster of 4 nodes with external zookeeper of 3 nodes. I deployed a security.json file to the zookeper which restricts access to the cluster. I have 2 users (admin, user1).
when i try the following url,
curl -u admin:password -k -s "https://solrcloud-01.dfw.3mhis.vm:8080/solr/test/admin/ping?wt=json&indent=on"
Note: test is a collection of 2 shards with 1 replication on each shard.
I get "200 STATUS OK" response, but i when i try it as user1
it gives me unauthorized request. what am i doing wrong here.
Also the solr version is 6 where ping is one of the Implicit available endpoints available according to https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Implicit+RequestHandlers
Basically i gave the permission as follows to the security.json
{ "path":"/admin/ping",