I extend the Number class as follows:
interface Number {
evolution(now: number, before: number): string;
Number.prototype.magnitude = function(d=1, suffix="") {
And I like to provide default parameters.
But when using it with no explicit parameter ass follows:
label = "÷ " + show.magnitude();
I got an error "The supplied parameters do not match signature"
You need to tell the TypeScript compiler that the parameters are optional:
In JavaScript, every parameter is optional, and users may leave them off as they see fit. When they do, their value is undefined. We can get this functionality in TypeScript by adding a ? to the end of parameters we want to be optional.
Here is an example similar to what you want to accomplish:
interface ISum {
(baz?: number, buz?: number): number;
let sum: ISum = (baz = 1, buz = 2) => {
return baz + buz;
console.log(sum()); //Console: 3
console.log(sum(2)); //Console: 4
console.log(sum(2, 7)); //Console: 9