I am using the wkhtmltopdf bundle to convert my html page to a .pdf file. I want to use this so customers can print the content on a label paper seized 3 x 7. The exact size of a label is 70 x 42,3mm. The problem is, i cant seem to get the sizing right.
I used the css of float right and 33% width to get 3 columns, and now im trying to get 7 rows. I thought dividing it by 14.2% (7 rows) would do the trick. However it will then only print 1 label. When i remove the height it will print all the labels, but more then 7 per page. Anyone help me figure out how to get a 3x7 a4 format for labels?
{% set labels = 1 %}
{% block body %}
{% for sale in webstore.getSales %}
{% for orderItem in sale.getOrderItems %}
{% if labels == 21 %}
<div style="page-break-after: before;" class="newPage"></div>
{% set labels = 1 %}
<div class="stickerWidth" id="stickerWidth" >
<div class="text">
<div >{{sale.getWebstoreOrderId}} : <span style="float:right; margin-right:5px; font-size:20px" > {{sale.getDate.date | date("d/m/Y")}}</span> </div> <br><br>
<div style=" text-align:center;font-size: 24px;">{{orderItem.getAmount}} x {{orderItem.getItemName}}</div> <br>
{% if webstore.name %}
<span style="font-size:20px">
{% endif %}
{% set labels = labels + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block styleSheets%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ base_dir ~ asset('css/main.css') }}">
.newPage {
page-break-after: always;
page-break-inside: avoid;
height: 180px;
width: 33%;
float: left;
background-color: green;
background-color: red;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
{% endblock %}
EDIT: added the latest code, used labels to count if i reach 21 then new page
The quick solution here: To create a new page every 21 labels:
{% for orderItem in sale.getOrderItems %}
{% if (loop.index % (7*3) == 0) %}
<div class="newPage"></div>
{% endif %}
{# ... #}
.newPage {
My own implementation: Controller:
public function export() {
$html = $this->get('yourPDFservice')->getHtml($someParams);
//echo $html;exit; // use that to debug your html
$snappyPdf = $this->getLibExportPDF();
return new Response(
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="filename.pdf"'
private function getLibExportPDF() {
$snappyPdf = $this->get('knp_snappy.pdf');
$snappyPdf->setOption('page-size', 'A4');// 21x29.7 cm
$snappyPdf->setOption('zoom', 1 );
$snappyPdf->setOption('dpi', 300 );// 21x29.7 (300dpi)
return $snappyPdf;
The html:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.nobreak {
.newPage {
{# Your html code here #}