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ORACLE SQL: Pause Execution until a user input

I have a Oracle SQL script like this:

  • Display some values from a table
  • want to pause here until I can review the values from the table in above step, and hit a button to keep on executing. If the value looks good to me, I want to break the SQL script right there.
  • execute some cleanup because the values does not look good, need to fix.

Is there anything like that in Oracle SQL? sort of like pause in a batch file, you have to hit space to keep on running, but I can cancel it


  • In SQLPlus you can build a script that accepts some value and then decides what to da based on the input data.

    For example, a script like:


    set verify off;
    select 'some data' from dual;
    /* prompt a message and ask for a value to store in a variable */
    accept choice prompt 'Update data (Y/N)?'; 
        if '&choice' = 'Y' then             /* check the variable value */
            dbms_output.put_line('Update data');
        end if;
    end ;

    Will do:

    SQL> sta d:\x
    some data
    Update data (Y/N)?Y
    Update data
    SQL> sta d:\x
    some data
    Update data (Y/N)?N