I have a Oracle SQL script like this:
Is there anything like that in Oracle SQL? sort of like pause in a batch file, you have to hit space to keep on running, but I can cancel it
In SQLPlus you can build a script that accepts some value and then decides what to da based on the input data.
For example, a script like:
set verify off;
select 'some data' from dual;
/* prompt a message and ask for a value to store in a variable */
accept choice prompt 'Update data (Y/N)?';
if '&choice' = 'Y' then /* check the variable value */
dbms_output.put_line('Update data');
end if;
end ;
Will do:
SQL> sta d:\x
some data
Update data (Y/N)?Y
Update data
SQL> sta d:\x
some data
Update data (Y/N)?N