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How to count number of triplets in ARC2 PHP

I created a CONSTRUCT query in ARC2 PHP, but how is it possible to count how many triplets I have received?

$query = '
  PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
  PREFIX owl: <>
  PREFIX xsd: <>
   PREFIX rdfs: <>
   PREFIX rdf: <>

   CONSTRUCT { ?c rdfs:label ?name }
   ?c rdf:type dbpedia-owl:City. 
   ?c rdfs:label ?name .
   ?c dbpedia-owl:country <> .
   OPTIONAL { ?c dbpedia-owl:areaCode ?areacode }
   FILTER ( lang(?name) = "it")

Because right now the query doesn't write any output.


  • SELECT (COUNT(*) as ?cnt) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }