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Not able to get data from collection backbone on rails

I am making an app using OMDB api. I have define a method 'top_movies' in 'movie_controller' which is rendering json data.

I have defined collection like this:

class Fanboy.Collections.Movies extends Backbone.Collection
  url: '/movie/top_movies'

Click to see JSON response

I fetched the collection in console and getting the objects in this manner.

Click to see the Image view of console

I want to display the list on a page. But I am not able to show the list.

class Fanboy.Routers.Movies extends Backbone.Router
    "": "index"

  initialize: ->
    @collection = new Fanboy.Collections.Movies()

  index: ->
    view = new Fanboy.Views.MoviesIndex(collection: @collection)


class Fanboy.Views.MoviesIndex extends Backbone.View
  template: JST['movies/index']

  initialize: ->
    @collection.on('reset', @render, this)

  render: ->
    $(@el).html(@template(movies: @collection))


<h4>Top movies of all time </h4>

  <% for movie in @movies.models : %>
    <li><%= movie.get('Title') %></li>
  <% end %>

Here I am able to see h4 tag but not the list of Titles. What I am doing wrong here? Please someone help.

Update:- I did some debugging. Since the url defined is coming through Omdb API and the view are loaded asynchronously in backbone. Hence the issue.

So I put setTimeout for few seconds and now I am able to display the list. But this makes the app slower. What can I do now?

Though @collection.on('reset', @render, this)should have handled the issue. But why it is not able to?


  • Instead of 'reset' use 'sync':

    @collection.on('sync', @render, this)

    "sync" (model_or_collection, response, options) — when a model or collection has been successfully synced with the server.

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