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Similar code (for exponentially weighted deviation) is slower in Haskell than in Python

I implemented exponentially weighted moving average (ewma) in python3 and in Haskell (compiled). It takes about the same time. However when this function is applied twice, haskell version slows down unpredictably (more than 1000 times, whereas python version is only about 2 times slower).

Python3 version:

import numpy as np
def ewma_f(y, tau):
    a = 1/tau
    avg = np.zeros_like(y)
    for i in range(1, len(y)):
        avg[i] = a*y[i-1]+(1-a)*avg[i-1]
    return avg

Haskell with lists:

ewmaL :: [Double] -> Double -> [Double]
ewmaL ys tau = reverse $ e (reverse ys) (1.0/tau)
    where e [x] a    = [a*x]
          e (x:xs) a = (a*x + (1-a)*(head $ e xs a) : e xs a)

Haskell with arrays:

import qualified Data.Vector as V
ewmaV :: V.Vector Double -> Double -> V.Vector Double
ewmaV x tau = f $ V.enumFromN 0 (V.length x)
        f (-1) = 0
        f n    = (x V.! n)*a + (1-a)*(f (n-1))
        a = 1/tau

In all cases, computation takes about the same time (tested for an array with 10000 elements). Haskell code was compiled without any flags, though "ghc -O2" didn't make any difference.

I used computed ewma to compute absolute deviation from this ewma; I then applied ewma function to this deviation.


def ewmd_f(y, tau):
    ewma = ewma_f(y, tau)
    return ewma_f(np.abs(y-ewma), tau)

It runs twice longer compared to ewma.

Haskell with lists:

ewmdL :: [Double] -> Double -> [Double]
ewmdL xs tau = ewmaL devs tau
    where devs = zipWith (\ x y -> abs $ x-y) xs avg
          avg  = (ewmaL xs tau)

Haskell with vectors:

ewmdV :: V.Vector Double -> Double -> V.Vector Double
ewmdV xs tau = ewmaV devs tau
    where devs = V.zipWith (\ x y -> abs $ x-y) xs avg
          avg  = ewmaV xs tau

Both ewmd run > 1000 slower than their ewma counterparts.

I evaluated python3 code with:

from time import time
x = np.sin(np.arange(10000))
tau = 100.0

t1 = time()
ewma = ewma_f(x, tau)
t2 = time()
ewmd = ewmd_f(x, tau)
t3 = time()

print("EWMA took {} s".format(t2-t1))
print("EWMD took {} s".format(t3-t2))

I evaluated Haskell code with:

import System.CPUTime

timeIt f = do
    start <- getCPUTime
    end   <- seq f getCPUTime
    let d = (fromIntegral (end - start)) / (10^12) in
        return (show d)

main = do
    let n = 10000 :: Int
    let tau = 100.0
    let l = map sin [0.0..(fromIntegral $ n-1)]
    let x = sin $ V.enumFromN 0 n

    putStrLn "Vectors"
    aV <- timeIt $ V.last $ ewmaV x tau
    putStrLn $ "EWMA (vector) took "++aV
    dV <- timeIt $ V.last $ ewmdV x tau
    putStrLn $ "EWMD (vector) took "++dV
    putStrLn ""
    putStrLn "Lists"
    lV <- timeIt $ last $ ewmaL l tau
    putStrLn $ "EWMA (list) took "++lV
    lD <- timeIt $ last $ ewmdL l tau
    putStrLn $ "EWMD (list) took "++lD


  • Your Python and Haskell algorithms may look equivalent, but they actually have different asymptotic complexity:

    ewmaV x tau = f $ V.enumFromN 0 (V.length x)
            f (-1) = 0
            f n    = (x V.! n)*a + (1-a)
                         *(f (n-1)) -- Recursion!
            a = 1/tau

    This makes the Haskell implementation O (n²), which is inacceptable. The reason you don't notice this when only evaluating V.last . ewmaV is lazyness: to evaluate the last element only, you don't really need to process the entire vector, instead you only get one recursion-loop across x. OTOH, ewmdV actually forces all of the elements, hence the extra cost.

    One simple (but not optimal, I daresay) way to get around this is to memoise the result:

    ewmaV :: V.Vector Double -> Double -> V.Vector Double
    ewmaV x tau = result
      where result = f $ V.enumFromN 0 (V.length x)
            f 0 = V.head x * a
            f n    = (x V.! n)*a + (1-a)*(result V.! (n-1))
            a = 1/tau

    Now ewmdV takes ≈twice as long as ewmaV:

    sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ ghc wtmpf-file6122.hs -O2 && ./wtmpf-file6122
    [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( wtmpf-file6122.hs, wtmpf-file6122.o )
    Linking wtmpf-file6122 ...
    EWMA (vector) took 4.932e-3
    EWMD (vector) took 7.758e-3

    (Those timings aren't very reliable; for accurate performance tests use criterion.)

    A better solution IMO would be to avoid this indexing business entirely – we're not writing Fortran, are we? IIRs like EWMA are better implemented in a purely “local” manner; this can be expressed nicely in Haskell with a state monad, so you're independent of what container the data ships in.

    import Data.Traversable
    import Control.Monad (forM)
    import Control.Monad.State
    ewma :: Traversable t => t Double -> Double -> t Double
    ewma x tau = (`evalState`0) . forM x $
             \xi -> state $ \carry
                -> let yi = a*xi + (1-a)*carry
                   in (yi, yi)
     where a = 1/tau

    While we're at generalising: there's no reason to restrict this only to work with Double data; you can filter any kind of variable that can be scaled and interpolated.

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    import Data.VectorSpace
    ewma :: (Traversable t, VectorSpace v, Fractional (Scalar v))
                 => t v -> Scalar v -> t v
    ewma x tau = (`evalState`zeroV) . forM x $
             \xi -> state $ \carry
                -> let yi = a*^xi ^+^ (1-a)*^carry
                   in (yi, yi)
     where a = 1/tau

    This way, you can in principle use the same filter for motion-blurring video data stored in a lazily streamed infinite list of picture frames, as for lowpass-filtering a radio signal pulse stored in an unboxed Vector. (VU.Vector actually has no Traversable instance; you need to substitute oforM then.)