I would like to call a stored procedure from a function in R. See my code below. unfortunately this code only generates a dataframe without values in it. I would like to fix this with RJDBC
, since there seems to be a problem with RODBC
RPT_09_Hourly_Connected_v3<- function(Year, Month="NULL",State = "NULL",Region="NULL", City="NULL", District="NULL", Subdistrict="NULL" ,Address='NULL'){
drv <- JDBC("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver", "/opt/sqljdbc_3.0/sqljdbc4.jar")
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:sqlserver://***;databaseName=***;user=***;password=***")
sqlText <- paste("exec [dbo].[RPT_09_Hourly_Connected_v3]@Year=",Year,
data <- RJDBC::dbGetQuery(conn,sqlText)
a<- RPT_09_Hourly_Connected_v3(Year = 2016)
> str(a)
'data.frame': 0 obs. of 9 variables:
$ Regio : chr
$ Stad : chr
$ Stadsdeel : chr
$ Buurtcombinatie: chr
$ Adres : chr
$ Jaar : num
$ Maand : num
$ hourNR : num
$ HoursConnected : num
This worked for me before RODBC
crashed. Is there any difference between RODBC
RPT_09_Hourly_Connected_v3<- function(Year, Month="NULL",State = "NULL",Region="NULL", City="NULL", District="NULL", Subdistrict="NULL" ,Address='NULL'){
dbhandle <- odbcConnect("***;DATABASE=***;UID=***;PWD=***")
data <- sqlQuery(dbhandle,paste("exec [ dbo].[RPT_09_Hourly_Connected_v3]@Year=",Year,
If I execute the stored procedure in SQL Server by hand it will look like this:
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[RPT_09_Hourly_Connected_v3]
@Year = 2016,
@Month = NULL,
@State = NULL,
@Region = NULL,
@City = N'Amsterdam',
@District = NULL,
@Subdistrict = NULL,
@Address = NULL
Can you explain what's wrong and how to fix it?
I found a very easy solution, and I wish I knew this before! Maybe I can help someone else with my answer.
FACT_CHARGESESSION<- function (username, password, country = "NULL",state = "NULL", region = "NULL",city = "NULL",
district = "NULL",subdistrict = "NULL", provider= "NULL",startDateView = "NULL",endDateView = "NULL") {
InstallCandidates <-c("DBI","rJava","RJDBC","dplyr")
toInstall<-InstallCandidates[!InstallCandidates %in% library()$results[,1]]
if(length(toInstall) !=0){install.packages(toInstall,repos="http://cran.r-project.org")}
NAME <- "dbo.R_00_ValidTransactions_ID_PW_v4"
options(java.parameters = "- Xmx1024m")
drv <- JDBC("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver", "/opt/sqljdbc_3.0/sqljdbc4.jar")
conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:sqlserver://***.**.***.***;databaseName=****;user=***;password=***")
# Make a SQL text
sqlText <- paste(NAME, paste(username,password, country,state,region,city,district,subdistrict,provider,startDateView,endDateView,sep=","))
data <- dbGetQuery(conn,sqlText)
output of sqlText:
"dbo.R_00_ValidTransactions_ID_PW_v4 M.Kooi , Stackoverflow , NULL , NULL , Amsterdam , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL "
Instead of using the SP execute window you just execute now the SP with the paremters in a new query window.