I would like to change drawDirection property in donut chart
Please see this: https://www.shinobicontrols.com/docs/ShinobiControls/ShinobiCharts/2.8.7/Standard/Normal/html/Classes/SChartDonutSeries.html
this is part of the code I am referring to:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirection) {
@interface SChartDonutSeries : SChartRadialSeries
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Drawing the series
/** @name Drawing the series */
/** The direction in which data is drawn around the centre of the plot.
- SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirectionClockwise: Configures the direction in which the data is drawn around the center of the plot to be clockwise.
- SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirectionAntiClockwise: Configures the direction in which the data is drawn around the center of the plot to be anticlockwise.
This defaults to `SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirectionAntiClockwise`.
@property (nonatomic) SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirection drawDirection;
this is my code:
let donutSeries = SChartDonutSeries()
donutSeries.drawDirection = SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirection.SChartRadialSeriesDrawDirectionClockwise
How can I do that in swift 3?
DISCLAIMER I am a developer at ShinobiControls.
You can set the draw direction of your pie or donut series in Swift 3 with the following code:
pieSeries.drawDirection = .clockwise
Make sure you are using the latest version of our framework (which is currently 2.9.3).
Let me know if you have any questions.