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Confluence REST API: HTTP 200 w/ Empty Response

I cannot seem to create a new page on Confluence Cloud v1000.957.0 via the Rest API. I have tried both using cURL and Python to no avail: all I get back is HTTP 200 with an empty JSON response every time. If I change the credentials to be incorrect, I get HTTP 401.

curl -u ******@******.com:****** -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"type":"page","title":"TESTING123", "ancestors":[{"id":123456}], "space":{"key":"AA"},"body":{"storage":{"value":"<p>This is a new page</p>","representation":"storage"}}}' https://********

I have changed a few details of the cURL call for the sake of anonymity, but I know the credentials, ancestor ID, space key, and API URL are correct. I have also verified that this account has the correct permissions in Confluence to create a page in this space, and that API access for Confluence is enabled.

Variations on the API call that I have tried:

  1. Adding ?os_authType=basic to the end of the URL

  2. Adding as many parameters as possible (all with empty values) such as:

    • status: current
    • operations: []
    • metadata: {}
  3. Changing the API call to create a page at the top level within the Confluence space (omitting the ancestors field).

  4. Adding this header: Accept: application/json

  5. Adding the view option to the body portion of the call and subsequently appending this to the end of the URL: &expand=body.view. I have found that adding it to the Python code gives the same result, but adding it to the cURL call prints out something like [1] 42999 (the latter part changes with each call); then upon a new command or simply upon pressing Return, it prints [1]+ Done followed by a chunk of whitespace, then the cURL call I just made.

I found a very similar bug in Atlassian's JIRA for JIRA software, so apparently this happens for JIRA as well, but intermittently.

I'm not terribly familiar with HTTP protocol, so there may be something I am overlooking, so really I just want more options to try (although a solution would be ideal, of course).


  • The problem is that you're using username with domain as credentials (******@******.com:******)

    You can check if this is working just by asking for main wiki content.
    Try: curl -u <user>:<pass> https://<domain>

    You can also ommit password. Curl will ask for it - it's safer from security perspective.
    Try: curl -u <user> https://<domain>