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Creating a program

I want to create a program (in Windows machine) which will display me a window where i can add/remove entries (with 3-4 characteristics such as name , object , time remaining etc.)

After that I want to make the time count backwards from 3:40h and when 0 is reached display a new high priority alert window to alert me about the name and object characteristics with 2 options( ok (delete entry) , postpone(5 min.))

All that, I want them to be accessible by 3 PCs in same Lan Network and having the alert pop up in every PC when time reaches 0 and the changes to be real time (or with small delay) when adding or removing entries. I don't care about long term saving. Just as long as the computer which works as "server" is on. If it restarts I don't mind the program to start from scratch with empty entries in both "server" and "clients".

All I ask is what programming language can meet my requirements (especially the connection part).

I know one option is to create it as a webpage using wampp server but I would prefer something that works out of a browser.


  • I was just in your boat like 6 months ago. I started out with scriptcase which is a php/ide (it is a program that helps you write php applications you can put on a web server)... but that is kinda costly.. around 400 bucks are so. Then I found out about Visual Studio. You can get that free from Microsoft Download here. VS has tons of samples and examples for you to create anything.
    The programming language to use is called c# (C sharp) and with VS you can make a basic windows "form" which is a standard "window" in windows.

    If this answers your question be sure to press the checkmark. Thanks