I'm having trouble writing an Avro schema for java.math.BigDecimal type, I tried the following:
protocol My_Protocol_v1 {
record BigDecimal {
@java-class("java.math.BigDecimal") string value;
But it's not working: This IDL schema compiles fine and can generate a Java class called BigDecimal, but I cannot really use the generated BigDecimal as java.math.BigDecimal, what's wrong? or How should I do it?
Thanks a lot
OK, so I emailed Apache Avro dev email list and got a response from Doug Cutting (Thanks a lot Doug).
I believe this has already been implemented but not yet released.
It was implemented in: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AVRO-1847
This is slated to be included in the 1.8.2 release, which should soon be out.