I'm using this to add a bunch of records to the elasticcache index:
def self.index_trends(trend_hashes)
formatted_trends = trend_hashes.map do |trend_hash|
index: {
_index: 'trends',
_type: 'trend',
_id: trend_hash["id"],
data: trend_hash
body: formatted_trends
Now I need to update a record (given its id). I want to just add one key-val to the data
hash, not replace the whole state. How can I do this using elasticsearch-ruby
I dont know how to do this with ruby, but in ES there is update API.
Which look like this
POST test/type1/1/_update
"script" : "ctx._source.new_field = \"value_of_new_field\""
From example with ruby should be
client.update index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1',
body: { script: 'ctx._source.tags += tag', params: { tag: 'x' } }