I'm receiving this JSON:
"status_code" : 200,
"status" : "ok",
"data" : [
"zona" : "Narvarte",
"hora" : "",
"id_zona" : 1423,
"proxdia" : "Lunes 20 de Febrero, 2017",
"coor" : "(19.452187074041884, -99.1457748413086),(19.443769985032485, -99.14852142333984),(19.443446242121073, -99.13787841796875),(19.450244707639662, -99.13822174072266)",
"dias" : "Lunes"
}, ...]
Which I'm storing in this struct:
struct RutaItem {
var idZona: Int
var dias: String
var proxDia: String
var hora: String
var coor: String
var zona: String
then I created an array of [RutaItem] where I'm storing the structs
var rutaItemArray = [RutaItem]()
Once the data has been stored the structs inside rutaItemArray look like this:
[pixan.RutaItem(idZona: 1423, dias: "Lunes", proxDia: "Lunes 20 de Febrero, 2017", hora: "", coor: "(19.452187074041884, -99.1457748413086),(19.443769985032485, -99.14852142333984),(19.443446242121073, -99.13787841796875),(19.450244707639662, -99.13822174072266)", zona: "Narvarte")...]
What I need to do now is to use the String inside each index of rutaItemArray.coor
to generate an MKPolygonObject, so first I would need to convert the long String into 4 CLLocationCoordinate2D objects and put those 4 coordinate objects inside an array for each item, then use the array indexes to generate the polygon.for the different areas.
Can somebody help me with this problem?
You can use regular expression pattern matching. Explanations inline:
let coordString = "(19.452187074041884, -99.1457748413086), (19.443769985032485, -99.14852142333984),(19.443446242121073, -99.13787841796875),(19.450244707639662, -99.13822174072266)"
// Regular expression pattern for "( ... , ... )"
let pattern = "\\((.+?),(.+?)\\)"
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern)
// We need an NSString, compare http://stackoverflow.com/a/27880748/1187415
let nsString = coordString as NSString
// Enumerate all matches and create an array:
let coords = regex.matches(in: coordString, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: nsString.length))
.flatMap { match -> CLLocationCoordinate2D? in
// This closure is called for each match.
// Extract x and y coordinate from match, remove leading and trailing whitespace:
let xString = nsString.substring(with: match.rangeAt(1)).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let yString = nsString.substring(with: match.rangeAt(2)).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
// Convert to floating point numbers, skip invalid entries:
guard let x = Double(xString), let y = Double(yString) else { return nil }
// Return CLLocationCoordinate2D:
return CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: x, longitude: y)