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FMDB stringforcolumn with nil

I apologize if this question was asked before (couldn't find an exact solution) but I have a column on my database table that is of type varchar and is nullable.

When I query to get back the column:

 let rs: FMResultSet = db.executeQuery("SELECT InternalNote from MyTable where id = ?", withArgumentsIn: [id])

           let testValue = rs.string(forColumn: "InternalNote") 
            ..code continues..

it causes a crash on the rs.string above because the field is null..

I figured I'll have to just change it to be non-null and default of "", but is there a way I can keep it null?



  • What if you change your code to:

    if let value = rs.string(forColumn: "internalNote") {
        let testValue = value 
        ... code continues ...