I have 3 spring-boot-starter projects
One of the autoconfiguration class has the following code:
@ConditionalOnClass(value = Config.class)
@AutoConfigureAfter(value = {FileGeneratorConfig.class, FileUploaderConfig.class})
public class JobConfig
FileGeneratorConfig and FileUploaderConfig are also autoconfiguration classes.
I was expecting that beans created in FileUploaderConfig will be created first. So test this I had put a break point in the method that creates bean in JobConfig and FileUploaderConfig. But the break point hits JobConfig first which makes me believe that my @AutoConfigureAfter is not working. Is that the right assumption.
Also in FileUploaderConfig i have this:
FileUtilContainer fileUtilContainer(FileUtilContainerProperties fileUtilContainerProperties){
return new FileUtilContainer(FileUtil.createDirectory(fileUtilContainerProperties.getArchive()),
and FileUtilContainerProperties:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "batch.letter.directory", ignoreUnknownFields = false)
public class FileUtilContainerProperties
but it is not creating FileUtilContainerProperties bean. Am I missing something here?
AutoConfigureAfter controls the order in which the configuration files are processed and their bean definitions are created. The order in which beans are created from those definitions is a separate concern and depends on, among other things, the dependencies that exist between your beans.