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Submitting jscolor result to shell_exec command

To start with: My web coding skills are nearly to non existent, I just did a bit of HTML ages ago... And my first steps with php are just made today.

My goal is: Having a color picker and sending the picked value as an argument to an python script.

I managed to use the jscolor picker libary ( and I've been also able to run the python scripts with an (color) argument from php.

My problem is now:

How do I submit the color string (hex-str) to the exec command (LED_color)?



    if (isset($_POST['button']))
        $LED_color = $_REQUEST['hex-str'];
        echo shell_exec("sudo /home/pi/LEDscripts/ $LED_color");

    <title>Basic usage</title>

<div style="position:absolute; left:280px; top:10px;">
    toString = <span id="hex-str"></span><br />

<script src="jscolor.js"></script>

Color: <input class="jscolor {closable:true,closeText:'Close me!',onFineChange:'update(this)'}" value="000000">

function update(picker) {
    document.getElementById('hex-str').innerHTML = picker.toString();

<form method="post">
        <button name="button">Submit color</button>



  • Your color picker input needs a name attribute to match your PHP code, and also needs to be inside the <form> element.

    if (!empty($_POST["hex-str"])) {
        $LED_color = escapeshellarg($_POST["hex-str"]);
        echo shell_exec("sudo /home/pi/LEDscripts/ $LED_color");
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Basic usage</title>
        <script src="jscolor.js"></script>
        <form method="post">
                <input type="text" name="hex-str" value="000000" class="jscolor" data-jscolor="{closable:true,closeText:'Close me!',onFineChange:'update(this)'}"/>
                toString = <span id="hex-str-display"></span>
                <button type="submit">Submit color</button>
            function update(picker) {
                document.getElementById('hex-str-display').innerHTML = picker.toString();