Trying to introduce BTDF for deployment, having a legacy of 30ish solutions, with the principle of 1:1 mapping between solution and biztalk application, this will result in 30ish BizTalk applications deployed. Never did this or saw this before, would this consider a bad practice or does it impact performance in any sense?
If this is not a good way to go for deployment, could you please suggest a better way to deploy without major refactor the solutions?
Yes, a 1:1 relationship between Visual Studio Solution and BizTalk Application with BTDF is the best way to manage your apps.
The key is to have absolutely no cross solution references. Even if that means deploying the same Schema in different Applications. There's nothing wrong with that. What you want to do is eliminate any dependencies.
The only minor consequence is having to create custom Pipelines and configuring Xml Disassmebler and Xml Assembler components. See here: BizTalk: Improve Deployment and Tracking by Always Creating Custom Pipelines