I have object in ldap that I want to change Value from 0 to 1 (without ldif):
dn: ParameterId=MyParam,FragmentId=aaa,FragmentId=bbb,FragmentId=ccc,fsFragmentId=ddd,fsClusterId=eee
objectClass: fff
ParameterId: MyParam
MyParamValue: 0
And all i need for eternal happiness is to change Value to 1, no luck since 4 hours. "StackOverflow, you're my only hope."
I use this command:
ldapmodify -x -y <path_to_passfile> -D uid=fsLDAPRoot,ou=People,fsFragmentId=Security,fsClusterId=ClusterRoot
dn: ParameterId=MyParam,FragmentId=aaa,FragmentId=bbb,FragmentId=ccc,fsFragmentId=ddd,fsClusterId=eee
changetype: modify
replace: MyParam
MyParam: 1
Result, well nothing, as i enter lines, in eed to type enter twice (one line blank, then this:)
modifying entry "omsParameterId=DeleteFilesAfterRead,omsFragmentId=OMSBTSFileReader,omsFragmentId=SS_MeasurementHandling,omsFragmentId=OMSPlatform,fsFragmentId=OMS,fsClusterId=ClusterRoot"
Then returnes me control. I close by ctrl+z
object disappears from ldap
I cannot figure out what is wrong.
You must use the command ldapmodrdn
to rename an entry:
ldapmodrdn -r
The lines are read from stdin in my example. Add an empty line to communicate end of operation, then Ctrl-Z for end of file. I left your other command options out for clarity.
Typed and not tested