I have a new install of Android Studio and I'm starting my first project. I was looking for ways to speed up my deploy/test development cycle when I read that I already should have the Instant Run feature enabled.
I double checked a few settings:
Tools->Android->Enable ADB Integration
is checked
File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Instant Run
Enable Instant Run... is checked, along with Restart activity on code changes and Show Toasts in the running app...
My emulator is a Nexus 5, API 24
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3'
And yet, the Instant Run icons do not appear on my Run configurations and redeploying involves restarting the whole app and takes about a minute. Some possibilities for the error:
I read that DDMS must be disabled for Instant Run to work in another question. I don't know if that's true since I don't see it mentioned in the official documentation, but if I go to the Android Device Monitor I see a DDMS button that cannot be uncheked.
Anticipating a future integration, I enabled this project to allow for C++ code to be integrated. I'm not sure if that plays a part.
I was stopped on two different fronts.
Because the new features of Java 8 are so powerful, I hope they are made available to developers sooner rather than later. One option that I have not explored is using Zero Turnaround's hot swap system with Java 8 and I will look into that.
For those that are coming here to diagnose Instant Run problems, know that checking the "Show Instant Run status notifications" in Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run
might provide valuable clues as to problems with this feature (Android Studio 2.2)