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noUIslider adjustment with plus and minus buttons on slider

Has anyone included anchor tags as a plus and minus function to increase and decrease your value on the slider of the noUIslider? I haven't found anything related to this using the noUIslider yet, but I'm in hopes someone has done it before. I have an example of one of my sliders when they're created below.

qdata['calc-rate'] = {value:4,type:"percent",decimals:3,post:"%",interface:"slider",min:0,max:10,inc:.125,label:'Interest Rate',display:''};
  var f = qdata['calc-rate'];
  var val = f['value'];
  var sliderInterest = document.getElementById("paymentSliderInterest");
    noUiSlider.create(sliderInterest, {
      format: wNumb({decimals: f.decimals})
  sliderInterest.noUiSlider.on('slide', setInterestSliderDisplay);


  • function incRateSlider(e){
     // changes slider rate value using plus and minus buttons
     if(e){ e.preventDefault(); }
     var f = qdata['calc-rate'];
     var id = $(this).attr("id");
     var dir = 1;
     if(id == "leftCircleRate"){ dir = -1; }    
     var newval = +f.value + +(dir *;// add or subtract values
     if(newval > f.max){ newval = f.max;}
     else if(newval < f.min){ newval = f.min; } 
     var slider = document.getElementById('paymentSliderInterest');
     slider.noUiSlider.set(newval); //this sets the value for the slider "super necessary"

    Since I had my own array of data set for the required pieces of 'calc-rate' it was able to use the '' to increase or decrease based on the selected id to move the slider one step at a time. If there isn't enough clarity on how this works just let me know so I can edit more of it to make sense.