I need to output data as a result set from a stored procedure where the columns of my source data are represented as rows in the output. I should see a row for each column in my output that is in my source data and I should see a column in my output for every row in my source data. I just don't see how I can do this using Pivot or the other methods that I have looked at.
Once I have the data oriented the way I like it, I imagine I will query sys.columns to inject the source data column names as the first column of my output. I will also likely have to query the source data values in advance that will be used as the output column names. I imagine some magnificent dynamic SQL in my future but I can sort all that out myself if needed. I am mostly concerned with how to convert columns to rows. See below:
SELECT 11 as ID, 301 as XID, 50001 as Amount UNION ALL
SELECT 12 as ID, 302 as XID, 50002 as Amount UNION ALL
SELECT 13 as ID, 303 as XID, 50003 as Amount UNION ALL
SELECT 14 as ID, 304 as XID, 50004 as Amount
) T1
The above query returns this:
ID XID Amount
11 301 50001
12 302 50002
13 303 50003
14 304 50004
Instead I would like to see this:
Column 11 12 13 14
ID 11 12 13 14
XID 301 302 303 304
Amount 50001 50002 50003 50004
Assuming you need Dynamic.
Declare @SQL varchar(max) = Stuff((Select Distinct ',' + QuoteName(ID) From Yourtable Order by 1 For XML Path('')),1,1,'')
Select @SQL = '
Select [Column],' + @SQL + '
From (
Select B.*
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Values (1,''ID'' ,ID,ID)
,(2,''XID'' ,ID,XID)
) B ([Seq],[Column],[Item],[Value])
) A
Pivot (sum(Value) For [Item] in (' + @SQL + ') ) p
Order By [Seq]
If you Don't Need Dynamic
Select [Column],[11],[12],[13],[14]
From (
Select B.*
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Values (1,'ID' ,ID,ID)
,(2,'XID' ,ID,XID)
) B ([Seq],[Column],[Item],[Value])
) A
Pivot (sum(Value) For [Item] in ([11],[12],[13],[14]) ) p
Order By [Seq]