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CF pushing - the system cannot find the file specified

I am using cf for the first time, trying to deploy a simple app to Bluemix. When I try cf push, I get this error:

E:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.0.41\webapps\helloServletMaven\target
λ cf push /helloServletMaven -p /helloServletMaven.war
Creating app /helloServletMaven in org alexander.kirwan / space ORG as [email protected]...

Using route
Binding to /helloServletMaven...

Error processing app files: GetFileAttributesEx E:\helloServletMaven.war: The system cannot find the file specified.

E:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.0.41\webapps\helloServletMaven\target
λ ls
classes/  generated-sources/  helloServletMaven/  helloServletMaven.war  m2e-wtp/  maven-archiver/  maven-status/  test-classes/

E:\Program Files\tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.0.41\webapps\helloServletMaven\target

But as you can see, when I run ls, I do have the war file.

Why is this happening?

By the way, I am using Windows and CMDER for the console.


  • It looks like your file is in the local directory so you don't have use /helloServletMaven.war, i.e. remove the slash (/)

    cf push helloServletMaven -p helloServletMaven.war