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how to generate webfont from SVG icons

Does anyone know how to generate webfont from SVG icons. I'm using webpack, angular2 and typescript in my project.

Can somebody give me idea how to achieve this? I'm not getting anything over the internet. Please help me!!

enter image description here

code here doesn't have too many information

I want to generate webfont for below svg icon. Thanks in advance


  • I achieved this with webfonts-generator plugin


    1. Add "webfonts-generator": "^0.3.5" dependency in package.json
    2. Create a folder icon under src and place all your svg files there
    3. Add below code to your webpack.common.js file


    const webfontsGenerator = require('webfonts-generator');
        files: [
        dest: 'custom-fonts/',
        fontName: 'custom-icons',
        html: true,
        templateOptions: {
          baseClass: 'custom',
          classPrefix: 'custom-'
    }, function(error) {
        if (error) {
          console.log('Fail!', error);
        } else {
    module.exports = {
    loaders: [
       test   : /\.(ttf|eot|svg|woff(2)?)(\?[a-z0-9=&.]+)?$/,
       loader : 'file-loader'
    1. Once you build, webfonts-generator plugin will create a folder named "custom-fonts" and generates css, eot, ttf, html pages etc..
    2. By importing generated css file you can use the custom fonts


    <i class="custom custom-search"></i>

    O/P custom search icon


    Generator of webfonts from svg icons

    Automated webfont generation from SVG icons.