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Slickgrid grand totals

Is there a way to show grand totals in Slickgrid with grouping?

I found following:

1) In documentation Implementing a totals row via a data provider. But then I can't use DataView and grouping features.

2) There is plugin for SlickGrid called Slickgrid totals plugin. But it doesn't allow to use grouping features.


    1. Add TotalsDataProvider function
    function TotalsDataProvider(dataView, columns) {
      var totals = {};
      var totalsMetadata = {
      // Style the totals row differently.
        cssClasses: "totals",
        columns: {}
      // Make the totals not editable.
      for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
        totalsMetadata.columns[i] = { editor: null };
      this.getLength = function() {
        return dataView.getLength() + 1;
      this.getItem = function(index) {
        return (index < dataView.getLength()) ? dataView.getItem(index) : totals;
      // Some group-functions from DataView
      this.setRefreshHints = function(hints) {
        return dataView.setRefreshHints(hints);
      this.collapseGroup = function(varArgs) {
        return dataView.collapseGroup(varArgs);
      this.expandGroup = function(varArgs) {
        return dataView.expandGroup(varArgs);
      this.updateTotals = function() {
        var columnIdx = columns.length;
        while (columnIdx--) {
          var column = columns[columnIdx];
          if (!column.hasTotal) { // Just add in your column "hasTotal: true" 
          var total = 0;
          var i = dataView.getLength();
          while (i--) {
            total += (dataView.getItem(i)[column.field] || 0);
          totals[column.field] = total;
      this.getItemMetadata = function(index) {
        return (index != dataView.getLength()) ? dataView.getItemMetadata(index) : totalsMetadata;
    1. Add option "hasTotal: true" in your columns. For example:
    var columns = [
            {id: "id", name: "Index", field: "id", hasTotal: true},
            {id: "title", name: "Title", field: "title"},
            {id: "duration", name: "Duration", field: "duration", hasTotal: true},
            {id: "%", name: "% Complete", field: "percentComplete", hasTotal: true},
            {id: "start", name: "Start", field: "start"},
            {id: "finish", name: "Finish", field: "finish"},
            {id: "effort-driven", name: "Effort Driven", field: "effortDriven"}
    1. Change grid variable and add dataProvider variable above:
    //grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", dataView, columns, options);
    var dataProvider = new TotalsDataProvider(dataView, columns);
    grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", dataProvider, columns, options);
    1. Every time you change data (by filtering or by grid.onCellCange) you need update total data:
    // The data has changed - recalculate the totals.
    // Rerender the totals row (last row).     
    grid.invalidateRow(dataProvider.getLength() - 1);