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Bluemix build pipeline set node and npm version

I want to deploy an angular 2 app on bluemix. The code is located at github and i want to deploy my app when i push something. So i created a pipeline. First the build pipeline: to build the angular app i need angularCLI, so i want to install it. Unfortunately the default node version is 4.2 but the cli needs at least 6.9. Here is my build-shell-command:

# The default Node.js version is 0.10.40
# To use Node.js 0.12.7, uncomment the following line:
#export PATH=/opt/IBM/node-v0.12/bin:$PATH
# To use Node.js 4.2.2, uncomment the following line:
export PATH=/opt/IBM/node-v6.9/bin:$PATH
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm run build

I tried to replace 4.2 with 6.9 but it doesnt work and it uses the default node version 0.10.40. Anyone know how to set the node version? Also the npm version is out of date... how can i fix this?


  • Ok, bluemix just provide a few versions of node and npm... Found the solution at

    export NVM_DIR=/home/pipeline/nvm
    export NODE_VERSION=5.10.1
    export NVM_VERSION=0.29.0
    npm config delete prefix \
      && curl${NVM_VERSION}/ | sh \
      && . $NVM_DIR/ \
      && nvm install $NODE_VERSION \
      && nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION \
      && nvm use default \
      && node -v \
      && npm -v
    npm install
    # Further steps ...