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Array implementation on FPGA using VHDL

I have following line in my VHDL code:

prbs_reg_feed <= prbs_reg_ip(byte_indx);


type reg_type is array (0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);

signal prbs_reg_feed           : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);

signal prbs_reg_ip             : reg_type;

I want know the FPGA implementation of this.

Thanks, Vijay


  • This will get synthesised to a lot of combinational logic. This combinational logic will have nearly 600 inputs and 9 outputs.

    With an FPGA synthesier, if you were to write some code around this line:

    prbs_reg_feed <= prbs_reg_ip(byte_indx);

    to make your code behave more like a RAM, then you would probably get a RAM. (You should read the report files output by your synthesiser to make sure.)

      process(clock) is
        if rising_edge(clock) then
          if we = '1' then
            prbs_reg_ip(byte_indx) <= datain;
          end if;
         prbs_reg_feed <= prbs_reg_ip(byte_indx);
        end if;
      end process;

    NB: this assumes byte_indx is an integer.