I'm working on a university project, so i'm trying to code a PE infector in MASM32. One of the needed features is not to directly call the needed functions, but to find their address dynamically: I search the kernel32 lib in memory, with its export table I find the GetProcAddressName function, then GetModuleHandle function, then with this I load the user32 handle, which i use with GetProcAdsress to gain access to functions; MessageBoxA in my example:
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
mov ebx, dword ptr[esp]
and ebx, 0ffff0000h
.while word ptr[ebx] != 'ZM'
dec ebx
mov kernelAddr, ebx
mov eax, ebx
add eax, 3Ch
mov eax, dword ptr[eax]
add eax, ebx
mov peKernelAddr, eax
mov edx, kernelAddr
mov ebx, eax
add ebx, 78h
mov ebx, dword ptr[ebx]
add ebx, edx
mov ecx, ebx
add ecx, 1ch
mov ecx, dword ptr[ecx]
add ecx, edx
mov functionTableAddr, ecx
mov ecx, ebx
add ecx, 20h
mov ecx, dword ptr[ecx]
add ecx, edx
mov functionNameTableAddr, ecx
mov ecx, ebx
add ecx, 24h
mov ecx, dword ptr[ecx]
add ecx, edx
mov ordinalTableAddr, ecx
mov ebx, functionNameTableAddr
mov esi, dword ptr[ebx]
add esi, kernelAddr
mov edi, offset GetProcAddressName
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, 0 ; l'index
.while edx != 0
mov al, byte ptr [esi]
mov bl, byte ptr [edi]
.if al != bl
.while byte ptr [esi] != 0
inc esi
inc esi
inc ecx
mov edi, offset GetProcAddressName
.if byte ptr [esi] == 0
mov edx, 0
inc esi
inc edi
mov eax, 2
mul ecx
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, ordinalTableAddr
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word ptr [ecx]
mov ecx, 4
mul ecx
add eax, functionTableAddr
mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
add eax, kernelAddr
mov GetProcAddressAddr, eax
push offset GetModuleHandleName
push kernelAddr
call GetProcAddressAddr
mov GetModuleHandleAddr, eax
push offset User32DllName
call GetModuleHandleAddr
mov user32Addr, eax
push offset MessageBoxName
push eax
call GetProcAddressAddr
mov MessageBoxAddr, eax
push MB_OK
push offset hello
push offset hello
push 0
call MessageBoxAddr
push 0
call ExitProcess
hello db "Hello buddy", 0
kernelAddr dd ?
user32Addr dd ?
peKernelAddr dd ?
functionTableAddr dd ?
functionNameTableAddr dd ?
ordinalTableAddr dd ?
GetProcAddressName db "GetProcAddress",0
GetModuleHandleName db "GetModuleHandleA",0
MessageBoxName db "MessageBoxA", 0
MessageBoxAddr dd ?
GetProcAddressAddr dd ?
GetModuleHandleAddr dd ?
User32DllName db "User32.dll",0
end start
The result is a segmentation fault at the call MessageBoxAddr. Excepted if I call the original function, doesn't matter where:
push MB_OK
push offset hello
push offset hello
push 0
call MessageBoxA
If I place this sample before, or after, both calls work, which is a complete non-sense to me.
Do you have any leads ? Thank you
Problem solved : The GetModuleHandle function only works if the lib was already loaded in memory, and gives the handle of it.
I use the LoadLibraryA instead (LoadLibrary is not found, I don't know why...) and it works perfectly. Thanks anyway :p