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Increase extent of vector layer with OGR or GDAL?

When using the OGR library or GDAL library with Python script, is it possible to increase the extent of a vector layer without actually adding new data points? In my specific case, I would like to increase the extent of vector layers associated with gpx files so that when I convert them to rasters they all have the same pixel matrix.

EDIT: An attempt of mine to use gdal.Rasterize does not produce a "tiff" file, nor does it cause an error to be reported:

import os
import gdal
import ogr    
import math

os.chdir(r'C:\Users\pipi\Documents\Rogaine\Tarlo\gpx')  #folder containing gpx files
vector_fn = '6_hour_Autumngaine_w_Tom_Elle.gpx'  #filename of input gpxfile
pixel_size = 20 #units are in m if gpx file is left in wgs84
raster_fn = '0011a.tif'  # Filename of the raster Tiff that will be created

driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GPX')
source_ds = driver.Open(vector_fn, 0)
source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer('track_points')  #returns the 'track points' layer of the data source
SR = source_layer.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()

#_______USING VALUES FROM THE FILE___________
x_min1, x_max1, y_min1, y_max1 = source_layer.GetExtent()

pixel_sizey = pixel_size/(111.2*math.pow(10,3))  #determines an approximate x and y size because of geographic coordinates.
pixel_sizex = pixel_size/(math.cos(((y_max1 + y_min1)/2)*(math.pi/180))*111.2*math.pow(10,3))
print (pixel_sizey, pixel_sizex)
x_res = int((x_max1 - x_min1) / pixel_sizex)
y_res = int((y_max1 - y_min1) / pixel_sizey)
print (x_res, y_res)

layer_list = ['track_points']

gdal.Rasterize(raster_fn, vector_fn, format='GTiff', outputBounds=[x_min1, y_min1, x_max1, y_max1], outputSRS=SR, xRes=x_res, yRes=y_res, burnValues=[1], layers=layer_list)

target_ds = None
vector_fn = None
source_layer = None
source_ds = None


  • You need to pass options=gdal.RasterizeOptions(format='GTiff', outputBounds=[x_min1, y_min1, x_max1, y_max1], outputSRS=SR, xRes=x_res, yRes=y_res, burnValues=[1], layers=layer_list) instead of passing the individual kwargs directly. Otherwise, they will be ignored, and the command won't do what you intend. See Link and Link for details and links to the source code (often useful given the terse documentation).