I have searched some code about bitbucket-api (here)
How to download "zip" by using Bitbucket-api and Python on Windows10 ?
I use :
Python 3.5.0
Bitbucket-api 0.5.0 (from pip install bitbucket-api
Windows 10
Do I miss parameter in bb.repository.archive() ?
>>>from bitbucket.bitbucket import Bitbucket
>>>bb = Bitbucket(USERNAME, PASSWORD, repo_name_or_slug="Py-Bitbucket-api")
>>>success, result = bb.repository.get()
>>>print (bb.repository.get())
>>>success, archive_path = bb.repository.archive()
>>> print (success, archive_path)
True C:\....\Temp\tmp_zxpa_14
It download some tmp files.(tmp_zxpa_14....)
But it not a zip .
Do I miss some parameter?
I wandt to download one of file in my repo.
Can Bitbucket-api specify the file to download? How to modify my code?
you can do it like
# Access a public repository
bb = Bitbucket(USERNAME, repo_name_or_slug="public_repository")
# Access a private repository
bb = Bitbucket(USERNAME, PASSWORD, repo_name_or_slug="private_repository")
# Download a repository as an archive
success, archive_path = bb.repository.archive()
Let me know if you need any clarification.