I am looking to migrate an application from one vpc to another. Currently, the application's ec2 instances utilize a nfs which I created from another ec2 instance and ebs volumes. These application related instances (web and app) as well as the nfs instance reside in one VPC (Let's call it VPC "A").
My question is how would I go about transferring the ebs data from the existing nfs in VPC "A" into an efs in VPC "B"? Additionally, the rate of data transfer is not relevant, so the file system's performance mode is just defined as general purpose. Thanks!
It sounds like your requirement is to transfer the contents of an Amazon EBS volume in one VPC to a different VPC. It is unclear whether your NFS server is hosted from EC2+EBS, or whether it is running from Amazon EFS. I'll assume it is EC2+EBS.
A few different options for you (pick one!):
However, if your server is running on Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), then you would need to copy the data to an EBS volume, detach the volume and attach it to an instance in the VPC B, then copy the data from the EBS volume to a new EFS share in VPC B.