I am trying to exclude id numbers that have been seen before, my query is
select id from table1 where date1 >= eDate1 and date1 <= eDate2 and zId = 256
and id no in
(select id from table1 where date1 < eDate1 and zId = 256)
Is there a better way, I am trying to simply exclude any id number that has been seen in the zone before the selected date range?
Some database optimizers can deal with a large id list, other don't handle it well.
The best approach is to use a left join and filter on misses:
select a.id
from table1 a
left join table1 b on a.id = b.id and b.date1 < eDate1
where a.date1 between eDate1 and eDate2
and zId = 256
and b.id is null