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WebStorm: Is it possible to move the split-horizontally divider with keyboard?

I frequently use the "split horizontally" command when setting up editor tabs in WebStorm / IntelliJ IDEA. I usually want the right panel at about 30% and the left panel at 70%... but it defaults to 50-50. I am a keyboard-centric user and I am getting sick of reaching for the mouse every time I want to move the divider just to set up YET AGAIN. I do this many, many times throughout the day (each time I open a new issue with a new context) so it's not so trivial.

What can I do to speed this up? Is it possible to move the divider with the keyboard?


  • You can use Tab Shifter for IntelliJ IDEA plug-in.

    The actions you need are:

    • stretch split left/right
    • stretch split up/down (no default shortcuts, assign in Keymap)

    There is a request to have this feature without a plug-in, feel free to vote:

    • IDEA-67379 Change splitter position via keyboard